Stump Removal

Stump Removal Pros in Laurel, Maryland

Our team of professional tree contractors at Veteran Tree Services has the expertise, tools, and hands-on knowledge to completely and safely eliminate tree stumps both large and small. Using special grinding equipment, we chip up the entire above-ground portion of the stump: while underground roots remain (and will gradually decay on their own). Once the stump is removed, you’ll be able to plant grass right over the top for a smooth, attractive lawn.

Tree Stump Removal for Safety and Appearance

Old tree stumps are not only unsightly, but they’re also an attraction for wood-infested bugs that can cause damage to your home and other structures on your property. Termites, carpenter ants, and beetles LOVE decaying wood. Protect your home and make your lawn beautiful again by having the professionals from Veteran Tree Services remove your tree stumps.

Call Today

Call today! We will get to you as soon as possible. Call us today at (301) 335-5143.